
Cyber Security

Protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks

GrowYT’s professional cyber security services are designed to help organizations protect their digital assets and information from unauthorized access, theft, damage, or disruption. These services include a wide range of activities and solutions.

Cybersecurity services are critical for organizations of all sizes and industries, as the threat of cyber attacks continues to grow and evolve. By working with us, organizations can better protect their assets and information, reduce the risk of cyber attacks, and maintain the trust and confidence of their customers and stakeholders.

We deliver services in both the modes i.e. on premise deployment and central remote monitoring & support system.

Products & Services

Conducting periodic security audits and testing to ensure that an organization's security controls and processes are effective and up-to-date. Comprehensive audit process includes Cyber Resilience Review, Cyber Crisis Management Exercise, Network Traffic Analysis, Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing, and assess problems related to People, Process and Technology in the Organization. Team is comprised of CISA, CISM and ISO 27001 certified auditors.
A cutting-edge solution that utilizes machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify and thwart cyber threats. A proactive approach to cybersecurity, allowing organizations to stay one step ahead of potential attackers. An essential tool for any organization looking to protect their critical assets and data from cyber threats.
An innovative solution designed to detect and prevent attacks on web applications. WIDS utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze web traffic, identify potential threats, and generate alerts in real-time.
Custom honeypots and decoys for clients looking to improve their cybersecurity defenses. Are valuable tool for organizations to detect, identify, and analyze potential cyber threats by creating realistic decoys that mimic legitimate assets.

Providing education and training to employees and stakeholders on best practices for cybersecurity and promoting awareness of potential risks and threats.

Providing support and guidance in responding to cyber attacks or security incidents and helping to recover from any damage or loss.
The team of experts works closely with organizations to identify their unique security needs and develop tailored policies that align with industry standards and regulations. Providing recommendations to improve the overall cybersecurity posture of the organization ensuring that they have the necessary policies in place to protect their data, systems, and networks from cyber threats.

Assessing an organization's vulnerabilities and risks to cyber attacks and developing risk management plans to mitigate those risks. Providing ongoing monitoring and management of an organization's security infrastructure, including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other security solutions.

To analyze network traffic, identifying anomalies such as devices communicating with blacklisted servers, possible data exfiltration, and suspicious activity. Empowering management to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to safeguard critical assets and data.
Providing solutions to manage user access to an organization's digital assets and information, including authentication, authorization, and access control.
Helping organizations comply with industry and government regulations, such as GDPR,

Cyber Security for BFSI

  1. Increasing Phishing Attempts
  2. Misuse of Customer Data
  3. Identity thefts on banking mobile applications
  4. Third party breaches
  5. Lack of complete cyber security postures from banking institutions
  1. Managed Security Services
  2. VAPT as a Service
  3. Detection of APTs
  4. Integration with Security Incident and Event Manager (SIEM), IDS/IPS, Firewall and Threat Intelligence Platforms
  5. Phishing Exercises
  1. Reduced Financial Loss
  2. No more Data Breaches
  3. Safety of Customer Data
  4. Alert of any malware or cyber attacks

Cyber Security for Enterprises

  1. Rise of Initial Access Brokers (IABs)
  2. Double & triple extortion
  3. Rise of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)
  4. Availability of Stolen data on web
  1. Threat Detection in Reconnaissance Stage
  2. ML based Threat Detection (DDoS, Bot Detection etc.)
  3. Detection of APTs
  4. Managed Security Services
  5. Seamless Integration with IDS/IPS, Firewall, SIEM and Threat Intelligence Solutions
  6. VAPT as service
  7. Dark Web and Deep Web Scraping for Enterprise Data
  1. Active Defense
  2. Detection of insider threats
  3. Replica of Actual System in Single or Double containers
  4. More Information on Attacker with more Engagement Time
  5. Analytics trends
  6. Real Time Attacker Information

Cyber Security for Healthcare

  1. Increasing Malware attacks
  2. Ancient systems running on vulnerable old OS
  3. Lack of Network Administrative Controls
  4. Lack of limited access
  5. Patient data breaches
  6. Third party vendors
  1. Detect and Alert even Zero-Day Attacks
  2. VAPT as service
  3. Managed Security Services
  4. Deceptive Modelling of medical devices as Honeypots
  1. Reduction in data breaches
  2. Illustration of Vulnerabilities in Medical Devices
  3. Better Compliance with Pre Market Guidelines for Devices
  4. Automation, visibility, and Quick Response to Threats

Cyber Security for Government

  1. Increasing National & State level cyber attacks
  2. Increasing Ransomware attacks on Critical Infrastructure
  3. Data Breaches
  4. Sophistication of Attacker tools, more than a SOC is used
  1. Real Time Threat Maps for Nation Wide Attacks
  2. Data Analytics
  3. Managed Security Services
  4. ML based Threat Detection
  5. Integration with other Security Reporting Tools for Compliance
  6. Dark Web and Deep Web scraping for Data Breaching
  1. Secured e-Governance Systems
  2. National Security
  3. Security for Critical infrastructure
  4. Cyber Security Advisory
  5. Défense at Security Internet Gateway (SIG) centres

Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure

  1. Increasing Malware attacks
  2. Ancient systems running on vulnerable old OS
  3. Lack of Network Administrative Controls
  4. Lack of limited access
  5. Patient data breaches
  6. Third party vendors
  1. Detect and Alert even Zero-Day Attacks
  2. VAPT as service
  3. Managed Security Services
  4. Deceptive Modelling of medical devices as Honeypots
  1. Reduction in data breaches
  2. Illustration of Vulnerabilities in Medical Devices
  3. Better Compliance with Pre Market Guidelines for Devices
  4. Automation, visibility, and Quick Response to Threats